
Compassion Fundraisers

Start your fundraising journey with LiveDifferent and make a lasting impact in Mexico, The Dominican Republic and Haiti.

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Bringing people together, taking action, and changing the world.

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What it means to LiveDifferent

Be kind

Change starts from within. When you look for ways to show kindness to yourself, and then to everyone around you, amazing things will start to happen.

Find a cause

Life is about people. Get out there and make a difference in the lives of others! And if you don’t know where to start, we have a few causes that are close to our hearts.

Live simply

Share what you have and inspire others to do the same; you can create a ripple effect of kindness that will build a wave of generosity within your community and beyond.

Here's how we do it...

Mental wellness programming

Our Circles program consists of dynamic school assemblies with additional session and workshops, and a powerful peer mentorship curriculum with optional training and support. We inspire students to dive deep into important topics and spark meaningful discussions that help them become more resilient and compassionate human beings.

Service learning abroad

Our international programs will have you working alongside our community partners, contractors, and local families to make a lasting change abroad. We offer a Builds program to construct homes in developing countries, and for students taking a gap semester, we offer the Academy program to explore three countries while experiencing self-discovery.

Seycove Secondary School - LiveDifferent Builds in the Dominican Republic

Years of service
Schools & communities visited
Homes built with families
Youth reached
Total meals served at École L'Union

Compassion Projects

You have no idea how happy us parents are because of all that the school does for our children.
- Mireille
LiveDifferent's Compassion Projects include the building and operating of Freedom Village in Haiti, providing a safe home for Restavek girls, and École l’Union, providing education for students in the community of Cap-Haïtien.

Do you have questions or want to get involved? Reach out!

Fostering diversity, empathy and authenticity in youth, schools and communities

We are committed to being a model of care, connection and community—where different perspectives are valued so that we can meet the needs of the youth, schools and communities we serve. Internally, LiveDifferent aims to create a workplace where members are celebrated for their differences and diverse perspectives are welcome. LiveDifferent strives to create the freedom in which we are all unafraid to embrace and share our authentic selves. LiveDifferent believes in the value of active and deep listening and approaching critical conversations with empathy and a commitment to learning and unlearning.